In the process of continuous basic education of eight years, an extensive English teaching programme is applied from kindergarten through all grades of elementary school.
The aim of teaching English in kindergarten and first, second, third grades is to start English teaching successfully with the idea that ''learning English is fun'',to create foreign language awareness,to make the students sensitive to foreign languages, to form the necessary basis to enable them to learn English as a language of international communication in an entertaining way by acquaring correct methods and to pave the way to understanding different cultures for our students.
In this way ın order to make the lessons entertaining and enjoyable, our lessons are set up on the basis of 'fun'.To make the motivated student learn more affectively and permanently,we use visual and auditory materials and drama extensively in our lessons.
Our goal in 4.and 5.grades is to teach English grammar subjects suitable for their level and age with visual and auditory materials in order to engage the students ,to practice the subject with the activity book and to make them use English in real life. At the same time, we also use the books of the Ministery of Education to prepare them for SBS.
The main goal of teaching English in 6th.7th. and 8th. grades is to teach English relating to the daily news and by using listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills effectively. Also the students are prepared for the exams held at the end of the second term. When preparing the students for SBS the subjects in the books of the ministery of education are studied and courses, bulletin boards and performance works are made. In these classes in one hour of an eight hours teaching English programme,we focus on reading books suiatable for their levels and appeal to them. Also some other activities are done with the teachers which improve their speaking abilities.We also have an hour of video lesson to help students speak.
In addition to the above, in each level :
On the other hand, our primary school students take Cambridge ESOL exams to improve and see their English level. Every year, lots of students take these exams and get their certificates of achievement.
During the Foreign Language Week at the end of the year, we display activities and performance that we did both inside and outside the classroom throughout the year to the parents.
Atayurt Private High School & Science High School's Foreign Languages Department aims to educate contemporary individuals who can safely communicate orally and written at the end of 4-year education. Taking language education as a whole four basic language skills, listening, speaking, writing, reading skills' development are targetted. Textbooks and materials which are suitable for this purpose are used. Nowadays, the continuous improvement in the international marketing, our graduates' knowing English for transcending the cultural differences and language barriers is gaining importance. Therefore; our main goal is to make our students acquire English skills for their future education and career.
Atayurt Private High School & Science High School believes that while learning English, our students acquire different literature, culture, and knowledge which will give them endless possibilities and opportunities in their future life.
During the English lessons- we sometimes make the students active to encourage them to do something in English by themselves - by means of their teacher's control. So our students can feel more comfortable to use the things they have already learnt. This has been enjoyable for them - as well.
Our high school students take some international exams like AFS, YES, ISE in order to have an education abroad for a year and to meet foreigners, to learn their culture and traditions, and so as to participate in global peace.
What is the Oxford Reading Tree (ORT) Programme?
Atayurt Private Schools provides a special education programme given with the support of Oxford University in the 2009 – 2010 education year. English is taught to our students in an enjoyable atmosphere by narrating and engaging the learners. The students are encouraged to speak with the help of the ORT (Oxford Reading Tree) programme, which is prepared for children whose native language is English, to learn reading and writing at schools in England. Our story-based reading programme, named Oxford Reading Tree, has 5,000,000 users all over the world. This programme is used in Eskişehir firstly and only by Atayurt Private Schools.
This programme is integrated into the lessons, not only with the structure of the language, but also by bringing the daily lives of our students to the class environment and by forming realistic stories. All messages that we want to give our students are hidden in the stories. Permanent learning is actualiazed by both enjoying and performing. Students are successful in having communicative competence by carrying their heroes in their imagination to their real lives and also to their classes.
In these lessons, our students study in a room which is designed especially for "Story telling" to apply the programme more efficiently. Our students have the privilege of learning English enjoyably in the world of Kipper, who is the hero of our stories. The stories are told using special methods which attract the attention of our students. Later, each student animates the speeches and movements seen in the stories. İn this way, learning in the class becomes permanent and also the students gain self-confidence in speaking at a young age.
The ORT programme provides audio-visual and tactile methods at the same time, which develop the reading, writing, listening and speaking abilities of the students. Learning English is reinforced actively in an interactive environment. The aim of such programmes, which are used all over the world, is to create a love of foreign languages, and allow children to create interesting, enjoyable and meaningful situations in an environment where the language is used naturally.
Atayurt Private Schools has three foreign teachers to improve our students’ speaking skills and self confidence.Natalie Maclean Ak from Canada has lessons in the elementary school. Karin Thies from Germany has lessons in the 6th. 7th. and 8th. grades .Gül Karakaya of Russion origin has Russion lessons.
As you can see, in addition to English, German, and French ,Russion is also taught in our school. We believe that this practice will make a great contribution to our students and make Atayurt Private Schools privileged.
Atayurt Private High School’s application for the multi-lateral Comenius Partnership Project named “How Everybody Remembers Meaningful Enjoyable Sights” was held to Turkish National Agency in January 2009 and the application was accepted in August 2009. Then the Project coordinator Serdar MERCAN has started to work for the Project. First he chose Atayurt Private High School Comenius Project Team and then they started to make the preperations for the first comenius Project held in Turkey.
The main goals of the project can be gathered under the topic of cultural integration and dialogue. The special goals of the Project are to help students to tell their own culture to the other partner countries by using target language English, to make the plans for the organizations, and to use the ICT equipment usefully for the Project work.
The First Project visit was performed on 22nd-27th October 2009 in Turkey and 24 teachers and students from Germany, Italy, Hungary, Greece and Spain visited our country. In the first comenius Project held in Turkey, Atayurt Comenius Project Team showed the beautiful sights of Turkey to our guests on-site and performed a folk dance show which shows Turkish culture and customs.
The Comenius Project covers the years 2009-2011 and it will last for two years. During these two years period Atayurt Comenius Project Team will visit these countries in an order 17th-22nd March 2010 Spain, 18th-24th April 2010 Italy, 14th-21st October 2010 Germany, 4th-10th April 2011 Greece and will perform the Project Works.
In elementary school,the students who can not progress as quickly as our academic aims or who needs extra practice and repetition attend the courses held on Saturdays.
B: VIS ( Very Important Student ) SPEAKING CLUB
The course called vis speaking club and held by our foreign techers is devoted to our elementary students on Thursday and Friday at 13:00. The students who want to attend this course write their names on the list of their own English teacher . If there is room on the list, they can attend.Then be quick to book!
Let’s remember how we learn our mother tongue before focusing on the importance of summer schools. Our brain is biologically programmed to learn languages and naturally,perceives,discriminates and stores the given structures.Hence ,every child learns his mother tongue effortlessly.He just listens and in time, he starts to produce,that is, to speak.
Our mother tongue has a big place in our memory .One of the ways of enlarging the area second language has in our memory is to go to the country where that language is spoken,to live or stay there,shop, make friends, try to speak, listen and understand and even get lost in the streets.
We watched with pleasure that the students who attended summer schools speak comfortably and see how encouraged they are to speak in English.We always encourage students to stay in an English speaking country for a while.
Yukarısöğütönü Mah. 951. Sk. NO: 148
Tepebaşı Eskişehir
(Bursa Yolu 10. Km.)
0 (222) 315 03 60
Pazartesi – Cumartesi – 09:00 – 17:00